Kajiado County Vaccination and Deworming Drive
Rabies Vaccinations in Kajiado Central
Proximity to wild canines has increased the vulnerability of herd dogs to Rabies in Kajiado County. In addition to increased population comes more waste production by the various households. This consequently results in poor management of the excess waste resulting in dumpsites. The dump sites become an attraction to unattended dogs as they fend for themselves. The dogs consequently make the dump sites their home and begin to reproduce increasing the populations even further. This scenario eventually becomes a threat to public health because these dogs usually are non-vaccinated and therefore can easily spread diseases such as Rabies. During the breeding season, the dogs become vicious and easily attack residents of those areas. According to Rabies act cap 365, dogs in rabies-deemed areas are supposed to be vaccinated as per schedules in the regulations. Â
On October 14, 2021, we launched the Rabies disease vaccinations in collaboration with the Kajiado County Government in Enkaroni, Purko ward in Kajiado central. The drive also targeted to prevent the spread of Coenurosis, commonly known as Ormilo, which is spread amongst dogs, sheep, and goats and affects the central nervous system. The overall objective of this activity was to inoculate with Rabies vaccine over 80% of the herd dogs in the designated program areas within 5 days. Extension services were also undertaken within the period. This included Rabies awareness creation and education Deworming of dogs was also undertaken.
4000 dogs were dewormed, 1835 were vaccinated against rabies and 980 household dogs were reached through private clinics.
Rabies Vaccinations in Kajiado North
In conjunction with the Kajiado county government, we embarked on a pilot vaccination program against rabies in Kajiado North between October 21, 2022, and November 19, 2022, in areas such as Ngong, Olkeri, Nkaimurunya, Ongata Rongai and Oloolua. Each of these areas had not less than six designated spots, where the vaccinations took place. The proactive measure was implemented after the area experienced a rabies outbreak in mid-2022.Â
Over 5,000 dogs were vaccinated in an effort to eradicate the virus from their local population. In addition to vaccinating dogs, we conducted public health campaigns within the Kajiado North area to educate residents on how to prevent the further spread of rabies by avoiding contact with wild animals and ensuring that domesticated dogs receive regular vaccinations. This is part of a larger effort within Kenya to control and prevent rabies cases among humans and animals.
Mass Dog Vaccinations in Mara North Conservancy
Since our inception, we have also been undertaking rabies vaccinations in Mara North in Narok county, an area known for its diverse and abundant wildlife. The area is full of wildlife, some of which pose a risk to human health such as foxes, jackals, and wild dogs. To help protect dogs and the local population from contracting rabies from these animals, we have undertaken a vaccination program that targets domestic dogs and cats in the region. This program has been supported by other organizations that work for animals and who are deeply concerned about their animal population’s health and safety.Â
We have vaccinated more than 7000 animals including dogs, cats, and donkeys across Mara North since launching this initiative in 2020. With their help and continued vigilance of the population's well-being, we are continuing our efforts to reduce the prevalence of rabies in this region and ultimately protect those living here.
Efforts to Eliminate Rabies in Burundi
Burundi is one of the many countries working towards the elimination of rabies. The country has made great strides in recent years, thanks to mass vaccination campaigns and other prevention efforts. However, there is still much work to be done. In Burundi, current estimates indicate that 550 people die from this disease each year. Rabies is described as endemic in Burundi and there are many cases of bites by rabid dogs that are reported by newspapers and other news channels, the most recent and most dramatic being in the capital of Kirundo Province in March 2021, where a dog was shot after biting 14 people in one day.
In the event of World Rabies Day celebrated on September 28, we collaborated with ABMVAC (the Burundian Association of Veterinarians in charge of Pets), to conduct a campaign to raise awareness and vaccinate dogs against rabies in parts of Bujumbura, Kirundo, and Gitega. The activities were carried out successively from the 22nd to the 28th of September 2022 through our support and that of AFAS Foundation. A total of over 500 dogs were vaccinated during that period, with the hope to eliminate rabies by 2030. Other stakeholders that made the event a success include World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), Mission Rabies, Vet Clinics Burundi, ALCHEM and UNI PHARMA.